Thursday, March 19, 2009


I know unemployment isn't quite on the education beat, but I also know the figures above will have potent implications for children's lives and local school district revenue. (Hat Tip: Mark Hebert)


  1. As an educator and a parent, these numbers mean, among other funding implications, that students will be more transient as parents move for work or relocation. It means that our grades and objectives should be aligned so that the student moving across county lines should be able to pick up where they left off in their classes. It means stopping the stigma of mobility and opening lines of communication between schools, teachers and parents. It means we should have modular curriculum that can be made up if a student does miss a concept or skill - which works to differentiate for all students.

  2. I like that modular curriculum idea. I'm imagining each grade organized around a concise, fairly short list of standards, with teachers having lots of skill in checking where each student stands and lots of ways to add or change teaching for any student who's behind. Does that match what you have in mind?

    (I'm grinning, because my version is a big piece what SB 1 is trying to accomplish. I certainly hope this recession will be long gone by 2012, but a leaner, deeper approach will still have special value for students whose families have to relocate because of economic hardship.)


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