Friday, April 24, 2009

Best in Class: letter (and reply)

Here (on page 2), there's a letter to the editor from Bill Braden, executive director of the Kentucky Counseling Association, about the loan forgiveness being withheld from more than 4,000 Kentucky educators. I especially notice this statement:
I believe that most Kentucky teachers and counselors who received this benefit understood the fact that the funds were based on availability, were not guaranteed and could change or be withdrawn at any time.
To learn why I believe most teachers and counselors were promised a continuing program that would not be withdrawn, start here and here with the Student Loan People's own publications. Then read teachers' own words in the comments on the posts here, here, and here.

To learn more about Dr. Braden's organization, click here.


  1. Susan, thank so much for addressing this letter. I read it in the CJ yesterday and was disturbed by it. Thank you for educating the public to what really happened. I am not sure if the writer of the letter actually believes what he wrote or if he simply has too many ties with KHEAA. Regardless, thanks for notifying people of the true way the program was marketed to students. We do not want to defame anyone, we simply want the agency to acknowledge that they made a mistake and look for ways to make it right. I do not feel that is too much to ask. Thanks again.

  2. To Whom It May Concern:

    Hello. My name is Michael. I decided four years ago to go back to college to get my masters in special education because colleges across the state recruited for online classes for special education degrees, there was a need for special education teachers, and I was under the impression that my loan would be paid back 20% each year for five years that I taught until my loan was paid off. From that point forward, the percentage of reduction has decreased to pretty much nothing. It looks like we are going to have to pay our own loan back since we were mislead by someone, but I don’t think anyone is really going to take the blame for it. I got my Special Education Degree, completed my KTIP, all of my evaluations have been really good, and I have taught for four years in Madison County. I lack one month and the first day of teaching the next school year to get my tenured and not have to be worried about being pink slipped because of budget cuts. I have loved and enjoyed my four years of teaching, but before I left school this past Friday, my principal pulled me to the side and told me that she was giving me my verbal pink slip because some person who worked at our school as a Guidance Counselor that has been working for KDE is coming back to our district. So, our Guidance Counselor has a Special Education Degree and she will be put in my spot, which puts me out of a job. I guess this is because of budget cuts, but I’m not for sure. I didn’t have, nor do I have now any way to pay off my loan. I am asking for your support to help people like me who have been put in this bad situation to help us pay off our student loans. I appreciate your time.


  3. I cannot thank you enough for helping shed light on this situation. I am in my third year teaching and have over $30,000 debt in student loans that I was promised would be repaid if I stayed in special education for 5 years. Now I am told I must make payments on this for up to 25 years!!! This defeats the purpose of going back to school for a Masters in order to get a pay raise. There is no raise. I am paying to do my job--teach. This is a HUGE disapointment to all teachers who have taken out loans with the promise we would have them repaid. This will discourage many people who are thinking about going into education majors.

  4. I was told that my tuition would be covered due to the demand for special education teachers otherwise; I would not have gone to graduate school. The college and the Student Loan People told me that my loan would be forgiven. I was not told anything about availability. I cannot believe this injustice is allowed to happen.


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