Monday, March 29, 2010

Kentucky on the move (with or without RTTT)

Only Delaware and Tennessee received first-round Race to the Top grants.  Kentucky, though a finalist, did not receive funding for our plans.

And yet...

Stronger standards will go forward, with Kentucky leaders committed to the common core approach and a summit to start equipping teachers to use those standards just two weeks away.

More effective evaluation methods will go forward, with new designs already under discussion and pilot districts being sought.

Better-aligned principal and teacher preparation programs will go forward, with the Education Professional Standards board already in the process of checking university programs for principals and masters degrees against higher standards and already at work on higher standards for the core teacher program as well.

More intense intervention in the state's weakest schools will go forward, with a new regulation already in place and new, more demanding audits already underway.

And better ntegrated P-16 data systems will go forward, though I don't have evidence on hand about  how quickly we'll see valuable insights coming from analysis of that combined information.

We do, indeed, have a state-wide agenda for moving our children higher, and not winning the first round of RTTT won't stop us from doing the work.

That very fact, that shared agenda and that determination to push it forward, will be our biggest asset in applying for RTTT's second round.

1 comment:

  1. You don't need new regulations in weak schools. You need a means to create non robotic teaching, and allow the principals, teachers, and counselors to adapt what is needed, works, or could work (new initiatives). And let the school reward accordingly.

    Don't the Legislators and academic leaders know the past and current standards don't initiate the right inspiring needs with teachers, counselors, and most important students!


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