Kentucky uses program reviews to check on the quality of students' learning opportunities in subjects that we no longer test, including arts and humanities, practical living and career studies, and writing of the sustained kind that is not easily measured by brief standardized assessments.
The Kentucky EdGuide on "Quality of Learning Programs" explains that:
[A] program review is defined as “a systematic method of analyzing components of an instructional program, including instructional practices, aligned and enacted curriculum, student work samples, formative and summative assessments, professional development and support services, and administrative support and monitoring.”You can learn more about program reviews by downloading the EdGuide or by taking a look at the program review rubrics schools use to score themselves.
Each program review looks at multiple aspects of a school’s program, using a rubric organized around standards for the program and “demonstrators” of strong quality on that standard. For each demonstrator, a school’s program can be scored 0 (no implementation), 1 (needs improvement), 2 (proficient), or 3 (distinguished), based on more detailed characteristics found in the rubric.
Many schools' 2014 overall scores may look better now that program reviews are included.
I say that because we already know how 2013 overall scores would have looked with program reviews factored in, and most scores definitely would have been higher. In the chart below, you can see examples of the impact. The lighter bars show the statewide overall scores for each level from the 2013 state report card (without program review data), and the darker ones show the Department of Education's calculation of the same overall scores with program review data included. The revised versions look stronger because, in general, schools' program review scores are stronger than their state test scores and graduation rates.
However, it is important to know that 2014 accountability will be an apples-to-apples comparison. Program reviews were included when schools' 2014 annual measurable objectives were set, and they were included in defining the 2014 scores that will qualify a school for a particular percentile rank and accountability classification.
Source note: the 2013 overall scores that include program review data can be found in the Accountability section of KDE's Open House portal, in a file that also shows the 2013-14 annual measurable objectives for improving on the 2012-13 results.
--Posted by Susan Perkins Weston
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