Monday, January 19, 2009

The Prichard Blog Begins


This is our blog, a new venture that will allow us to share news and ideas more quickly. We plan updates every day, with posts about all facets of Kentucky education with, as always, an eye for the big picture. We especially hope that readers will join in with comments, so that ideas flow both ways.

Those of you who know Susan Perkins Weston will be glad to know that she will be the daily voice on the blog. Cindy Heine and I will also be writing on an occasional basis.

I hope you’ll become a regular reader and participant in this new form of conversation about education issues.


  1. Kudos to Susan Weston, Bob Sexton et al. for this brave new foray into the blogging universe. The approach can only enhance what the Committee has done so well for so long - grassroots networking in the name of improved Kentucky schools. Prichard 2.0 has arrived!

  2. Welcome to the Blogosphere!

    For more than twenty years, the Prichard Committee has spoken out for better schools and provided leadership on the complex educational issues facing our state and its future.

    Congratulations on expanding your voice through this new medium.

    I look forward to following your progress and joining your conversations. I'm subscribing today.

    Also, thanks for the link to KSN&C.

    Kentucky School News and Commentary

  3. Thanks to the Prichard Committee for taking this step forward to continue to put education in the forefront of our state.

    Stu Silberman

  4. Hopefully, you will be a welcome alternative to the Bluegrass Institute.

  5. Interesting that only one commenter on this blog so far has refused to identify himself, isn't it?

  6. Anonymous,

    For future comments, please do use your real name. We're hoping to get to know our commenters well.

  7. This is a great opportunity for Kentucky educators to keep the conversations alive. Kind of one great big PLC! Thanks so much for expanding your influence for education once again!

  8. Thanks for making the leap into the blog world. The Prichard Committee is an important voice in education policy discussions in the Commonwealth. I hope this blog will help your readers join in the dialogue around these critical issues.


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