Post by Susan Perkins Weston
Comparing 2017 KPREP results released late last week to comparable, 2016 results, Hispanic students' proficiency levels improved at a pace that narrowed gaps compared to white students on four of 14 assessments, and improved without narrowing gaps on six others. Results for Hispanic students declined on five assessments.
Over the same period, results for students of two or more races improved at a pace that narrowed gaps on five assessments and improved without narrowing gaps on three others. Results for students with two or more races dropped on six assessments.
Here comes a more detailed look.
At the elementary level, Hispanic student proficiency levels:
- Declined in reading by more than those results dropped for white students
- Declined in mathematics by less than the drop experienced by white students
- Rose in social studies, writing, and language mechanics, though by less than white results improved
- Narrowed only the mathematics achievement gap
For Hispanic middle school students, proficiency levels:
- Rose in every subject (hooray!)
- Rose enough to narrow gaps slightly compared to white students in reading and mathematics
For Hispanic high school students, proficiency levels:
- Rose in reading while white results declined
- Dropped in math and social studies at a quicker pace than white results declined
- Rose in writing by more than white results did
- Rose in science by less than white results did
- Narrowed achievement gaps in reading and writing
For elementary students of two or more races, proficiency levels:
- Declined in reading and mathematics by less than white results dropped
- Increased in social studies and language mechanics by less than white results increased
- Increased in writing by more than white results rose
- Narrowed achievement gaps in reading, mathematics and writing
For middle school students of two or more races, proficiency levels:
- Rose in every subject
- Rose enough to narrow gaps in reading, mathematics, and social studies
Finally, for high school students of two or more races, proficiency levels:
- Declined in reading, mathematics, studies, and science, dropping more quickly than white results
- Rose in writing by more than they rose for white students
- Narrowed gaps only in writing
The proficiency results shown here were downloaded from the Department's
school report card portal on September 28. The calculations of changes and gaps are my own.