Response to Intervention or “RTI” is a new state initiative, required for the primary years.
Response to Intervention calls for schools to organize instruction by setting up tiers of response that start with a core program that will be effective for most students and then add supplemental support and then intensive intervention when evidence shows which students need different or additional support. For example, a student who consistently struggles with the core program (tier 1) may receive some added opportunities (tier 2) and then if that support is not enough, move to more intensive support (tier 3).
In parent-teacher discussions, it may help to ask what “tier” of services a child is receiving and then for details about how that tier works.The RTI requirements can be found in a new state statute enacted in 2013 (KRS 158.305) and in the Kentucky Board of Education regulation on "The Use of Response-to-Intervention in Kindergarten through Grade 3" (704 KAR 3:095).
Interested readers may also want to learn about the Kentucky System of Intervention, an approach recommended by the Kentucky Department of Education for students from kindergarten through grade 12, offering ideas for implementing RTI-methods to serve students well even in the grades where the law does not require it.
Or, to learn about Kentucky's other supports for students' varied needs, check out the EdGuides on:
- Students Who Need Added Support
- Students with Disabilities
- Students Ready for Added Challenge
- English Language Learners
- Poverty and Non-Academic Barriers to Learning
- Digital Learning and School Technology
- Student Conduct and Discipline
- School Safety
--Posted by Susan Perkins Weston
My son struggles to read three letter words. I asked his school for RTI and have been told his MAP score (proficient) indicates he doesn't need RTI. He's in first grade and still struggles with words like cat and got. If all KY schools are using MAP scores, which can't "grade" actual reading ability, there must be a lot of children like my son who have called through he cracks in RTI screening.
ReplyDeleteI hope you'll keep talking with your son's teacher about this. Could you ask for examples in words of what your son does well? And then ask what improvements you can look for in the next month or two? Generally, ask for the teacher's thoughts from what's happening in the classroom as well as on the test?
ReplyDeleteI don't know enough about RTI or MAP or your son to offer any opinion on the right learning choices here. But you and his teacher do both have some experience that matters. If you can share more details, I hope you can arrive at a strategy that you can both support and that helps your son learn and grow.